Bob Swanson - CDP
Bob Swanson - CDP
Bob Swanson is a certified Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP) with a BA in Education and over four decades of continuous sobriety. He also co-authored 'O.A.A.T.'s Adventures - One Day At A Time: The Lighter Side of 12-Step Recovery." Swanson has helped many find their pathway to freedom from chemical dependency. World travelers, Bob, and his wife Kathy of 43 years, live in Olympia, Washington located in the Pacific Northwest within sight of majestic Mount Rainier.
A HOLE IN MY ROAD was written by a long-term survivor of the progressively fatal illness of alcoholism. It is transcribed from the trenches of firsthand experience. Filled with stories of triumphs and tragedies, its main purpose is to make the reader aware of the many facets of mind-altering chemicals, not just alcohol. The author's personal and professional observations and industry accepted motivating techniques give meaningful insights and help to be free from chemical addiction. A HOLE IN MY ROAD provides hope for the addicted, and guidance to those who love them, to escape this equal opportunity destroyer. It provides a path from darkness into the light of recovery.